2OOO, 27 December
typedef struct _LDR_MODULE {
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList; LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList; LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList; PVOID BaseAddress; PVOID EntryPoint; ULONG SizeOfImage; UNICODE_STRING FullDllName; UNICODE_STRING BaseDllName; ULONG Flags; SHORT LoadCount; SHORT TlsIndex; LIST_ENTRY HashTableEntry; ULONG TimeDateStamp; } LDR_MODULE, *PLDR_MODULE;
Pointers to previous and next LDR_MODULE in load order.
Pointers to previous and next LDR_MODULE in memory placement order.
Pointers to previous and next LDR_MODULE in initialization order.
Module base address known also as HMODULE.
Module entry point (address of initialization procedure).
Sum of all image's sections placed in memory. Rounded up to 4Kb (page size).
Path and name of module.
Module name only.
LIST_ENTRY contains pointer to LdrpHashTable. Both prev and next values are the same. LdrpHashTable it is table of LIST_ENTRY structures points to LDR_MODULE for current process.